Inserting a Bitmap in Text

You can insert a bitmap into a paragraph as if it were a character by using the bmc statement. The statement aligns the bottom of the bitmap with the base line of the current line of text and places the left edge of the bitmap at the next character position. The following example inserts a bitmap into a line of text:

Press the \{ bmc enter.bmp\} key to complete the task and return to
the main window.

Because the bitmap is treated as text, any paragraph properties assigned to the paragraph also apply to the bitmap. Windows Help places text following the bitmap on the same base line at the next available character position.

In general, bitmaps inserted as characters should be clipped to the smallest possible size. Any extra white space at the top or bottom of the bitmap image affects the alignment of the bitmap with the text and may affect the spacing between lines.

You must not specify negative line spacing for paragraphs that contain bmc statements. Doing so might cause the bitmap to appear on top of the paragraph.